Twilight Highlands – Rework

Dear players,

as many of you know, Twilight Highlands is still a work in progress zone at the moment. Especially for Horde players it is not possible to properly complete that zone in terms of questing and the loremaster achievement.

Over the past months we have updated our sniffs for that zone and were working on a complete overhaul of Twilight Highlands for both factions. The last weeks GMs and the QA department spent a lot of time testing this rework and came to the conclusion that we are ready to make it available to you.

There are still some minor issues, specifically with the daily quest areas of Dragonmaw Clan and Wildhammer Clan which will also get fixed soon. Overall though Twilight Highlands is in very good shape now and we have decided to give you a little early christmas present with this.

On Sunday, 15.12. the Twilight Highlands rework will be available on Apollo.

As always, if you find any bugs, please use the bugtracker to report them.


Additional Info:

We know that some players were able to get the loremaster achievement by using a faction change. Unfortunately in the past, the faction change did not properly reset this “quest count” and due to that players that changed their faction, were able to get some achievements/titles.

This was definitely not working as intended.

Therefore we have decided that we will remove/correct the following things on the upcoming Sunday update:

  • All quests that do not match players faction/race
  • Achievements that were only obtained due to the faction change bug (Fading into Twilight, Loremaster – including any titles and tabards)

Additionally the progress (zone related) of such achievements/criteria will be recalculated upon the server restart on Sunday.

Apollo Team